Monday, April 26, 2010

My guy is home!!!!

I'm so totally happy!! Shannon came home yesterday and he took me out on a nice date.He was supose be gone 4 days but that turned into a full week!I was unprepared lol!We had a great time together just catching up and some chit chat.He had already mentioned giving me a spanking just for connection and some maintenance.With his new work schedule he's been doing alot of morning spankings which I don't really care for...there isn't enough coffee to prepare for that lol!Anyway last night on our way home from our date he says I'm gonna spank you tonight because I need to be at work early and I don't wanna rush things in the morning.I was shocked but I saw his point and besides did I mention I don't like morning spankings;)So he goes to 'our' spot,well one of them the other is the lake.He gets the spanking going telling me he was glad that I was good while he was gone and how happy he was that the spanking wasn't a punishment.Then he starts teasing me about how virgin my bottom got in just one week lol! He was totally in to this spanking and I had to remind him a few times that I was attached to the bottom he was spanking!It was nice though and it served it's purpose.He did throw me a twist near the end.I said in my earlier post that we were no longer 'working' on my smoking and that took alot of convincing to get him to agree to.I have kinda felt like he wasn't totally on board with it but he's kept his comments to a minimal.Until yesterday while he was spanking at which point he says now that I have your attention I want to talk to you about something.I won't harp on it cause I said I wouldn't but you haven't done so good with your cigarettes and June 1st is right around the corner so I need you to work harder on that.He gave some really ouchie swats to make his point and then winded things down.I know he's right I do need to work harder on it.I've sorta went crazy since we agreed it was off the table and I'm only hurting myself by doing that.Anyway heading out to catch a lunch date my my guy yippee!!!!


  1. He just has your best interest at heart, we all do.

  2. I know and I appreciate it:)
