We had our last football game Friday night.The weather would have been great had it not been for the wind blowing like crazy.We won though and that was nice!We haven't had the best team this last couple years.We just started playing 11 man before that we played 8 man,so the change has been difficult for the boys.I'm confident we will get better and better though!
K was in cheer camp all week and they did the half time show...it was so cute!I got pics but no video as I didn't realize I was out of tape.K has done cheer camp for the last four years I think and she loves it so much.It is always nice to watch her work so hard in such a short time to get all the moves just right.
We finally got all the halloween decorations taken down and packed back up phew!I thought it would be a great idea to put up Christmas lights while it was so pretty this week....what was I thinking lol!I will be glad I did when it is freezing outside,but for now J and I are stressing over getting them all up.Shannon usually does it and we just help,but this year it's just us....here's to hoping we don't screw it up lol!
I'll update on the smoking tomorrow maybe.This morning I need to make my babies some breakfast.
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