I need a tape recording constantly saying 'shut-up Misty'.We got a bill in not long ago that was on the high side and I was supose to call and find out about it like three days ago.So here is the convo this morning:
him:Why is the bill so high?
me:I don't know it's probably charges from before we changed the plan.
Him:Yea but why so much,the long distance was only 30 something?
me:I DON'T KNOW Shannon I can't explain the bill I don't understand it myself.I'll just call them.
him:You need to. You should have done it three days ago.
me:I KNOW!
him:Well you didn't do it!
ME:FINE I didn't!
So I go call and get it as fixed as I can and while I'm on there I decide to find out what I should do with the extra box they sent me(I was supose to call a couple weeks ago and forgot!)I swear that's the only part of my like 20 minute conversation with the lady that he heard.I get off the phone and his first question....So you never called about the box like I ask you to?I tell him I forgot and start cleaning fast.I guess hoping he'd forget all about it.He doesn't forget and tells me he is going to spank me for my 'attitude' that morning and begins to lecture about not sending the box back.At some point in the talk I say WHATEVER .....Not a good idea!He tells me my spanking will be much worse now,although not in those exact words.
The kids go swimming(which they always do when I don't need privacy)I always no it's not going to be good when HE drops my pants ugh!He lectures me about how he isn't going to put up with my attitude and something about if I ever say whatever to him again......I don't really remember that part my bottom was already on fire!After he felt he made his point, he tells me to go get the strap and finishes with that.He did show some mercy because I went and got it without complaining...Have I mentioned I hate the strap with a passion!
Why is it I always see where I went wrong after the fact,but in the moment I'm clueless.
We did have a lovely date.We went to a peaceful dinner and then to the park to feed the ducks. We had a nice talk on the way home and some new things are on the horizon. I may post about it later(or maybe not lol!)
Signing Off
2 months ago
Misty, I am sorry you got in trouble, I am aware of the faulty mute button...LOL. I am glad that you guys had a great date, can't wait to hear what is on the horizon.
You can look me up on facebook at: j_man81@live.com
ReplyDeleteThats to show I am really married and what I look like and I can even explain how I found out about DD.
Hello Josh,I saw your post in my email,but I'm not finding it here.I'm not sure if you deleted it or what happened.I thought I should at least let you know that I'm loved AND spoiled by my hubby.*smile*