No not two spankings in a row,two post lol!
Shannon and I had an interesting talk yesterday.We were actually talking about another couple were the guy brought DD to the women and now they are struggling a bit.Shannon and I like to say we stumbled onto DD together.Many moons ago when we were married about 6 months or so Shannon spanked for the first time.I was shocked to say the least and I did pack my bags.Mostly because at the time I didn't know what else to do,but I never felt like it was some big terrible thing he had done.I knew almost instantly that it for why it works, I still don't know to this day lol!I have always kinda dealt with it by saying it works for US and leaving it at that.Over the last couple years I have started to have this battle within myself of hating the fact that I do need this.
To make a long story short during our talk yesterday Shannon was saying that we both know I'm wired for this and if I would just own that it would make things much easier.I totally agree with him, in a way we are lucky in the fact that we are both wired so there shouldn't be as much insecurity with it.....not always the case though.I'm going to do my best to just be honest with myself and him about my needs.He however came up with something he would like for me to do.Twice a month I have to ask for a spanking one can be simple and for anything I want and the other has to be on the serious side.The good part is I can let him know by text or a note on his pillow.I don't actuslly have to say the words phew! Not doing this twice a month will be punishable though YIKES! I'm still not sure how I will ever be able to do this but I'm going to try real hard.
Now I need a recording that says 'you can do this'lol!
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2 months ago
You can do this! That is a great post Misty, thanks for sharing. I admire you guys. It is nice that you can communicate together and find a solution that works for you both. Maybe, after the first few times you will be able to actually ask and not leave a note.