I didn't realize it had been so long geez! I was sick for a couple weeks and that really threw things off.
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.I cooked and our neighbor joined us.After the neighbors left we sat around in our 'fat clothes' and watched football and played a few family games it was really nice.I was just glad Shannon got to spend the day with us we weren't sure he'd even be home.I also enjoyed having the kids home.I can't wait for their Christmas break....or summer for that matter lol!
Friday morning Shannon got called out for a job so I did some shopping alone.We usually do it together and I prefer it that way.I didn't venture too far and got back home around noon.I usually put up the tree the first weekend in December but the kids couldn't wait this year so as soon as I got home we put it up.Josh and I had already got a huge jumpstart on the lights so we finished those too.Now we just need to get a few yard ornaments put out and we're done woohoo!
J has basketball practice at 6am all week...I'm not enjoying being up at the butt crack of dawn.I have to have J there at 6 then come home and take K for her practice at 7am.I think I'd prefer after school practice again.K's first game is next week and I can't wait!We thought J was having a week long tournament but they took the 7th and 8th grade out of it...:(
I started my Chantix today!!! The smoking thing has been going pretty good I had a couple days that I didn't meet my goal but by the time Shannon came home I was sick and by the time I was well it had been way to long to deal with it.Getting sick helped me to smoke alot less and so far so good.I'm down to about 6-8 a day which is good compared to when I started.All that was done pre-meds so it should get better from here.I'm sure I'll start feeling like crap when the meds get in my system and I hate that part.In the end it will be worth it though:)
Signing Off
2 months ago
I am really proud of you! I know soon, you will be able to say that I quit completely. Keep up the great work, and I am glad you are feeling better.