There was a coversation elsewhere recently about how hard it can be once DD becomes apart of a relationship.It wasn't exacty that, but close.Either way I could relate to it,as I think a lot of us can.So I thought I'd ramble.
As helpful as DD can be,sometimes you just don't wanna.I remember in our earlier years of marriage spankings only happened about 4 times a year.Neither one of us was sure spanking was normal or healthy for a marriage so Shannon reserved it for pretty major things.Once we got a look at the internet and found out that it was more normal than we thought things changed.Spankings happened more frequently and I got spanked for things that I didn't before.Another big change for us was submission.In our early years even though Shannon was the HOH and spanked,submissive I was not!Actually I'm still not,but it can be our little secret.;)
When things first started to change it wasn't so bad.It was new and instantly there were some pretty amazing changes going on.There was an openess,we communicated better.The better communication brought about closeness and that did amazing things for our sex life.I guess those changes made it seem not so bad.
At some point things settle down and DD is there....ALL THE TIME!!It's not new anymore either and it's just really hard.Spankings happen in times and moments when you just don't feel like it.You also realize that when they say they are going to spank if you do x,they really mean every single time you do it!Who would have thunk it?
The good thing about this very difficult,overwhelming time for me was major growth happened and I ended up in a pretty good place.Unless of course we are working on something like ummm lets just say,smoking. Then overwhelming feelings come back and you feel like destroying every implement he owns,but you know it will pass;)
Have a good day everyone!
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