Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just for fun!

I have been busy lately,but I don't want to neglect my blog any longer.I found some cute finds recently while we were out of town.My goal is to post the pictures of those finds with just a short question or comment to go along with it.

So here goes....

What get's you on the naughty list the quickest or most often? Anyone want to share?

For me it would have to be attitude.I get my feelings hurt or something and snap without thinking it through.It's the one thing Shannon say's he will still be spanking me for at 80 LOL! I have got tons better at it over the years though,so maybe there is still hope.

Have a great day everyone!!!


  1. My mouth often puts me on the naughty list. I am mouthy and often talk back. Aeon laughed when he read your post and said he suspects the same, 80 and still mouthy.

  2. Mouth, definitely!!!!! Good to see you back.


  3. Attitude here, as well! TC says something and I react, then press the issue rather than backing down and taking some time to cool off. If I'm getting punished, 9 times out of 10 it's for that reason. Sigh...

    Great post, and great question!


  4. My mouth and attitude-most definitely.

  5. We al seem to have something in commom.:)

    Hugggs everyone,
